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Reverie is an experimental film which deconstructs women as the object of desireand sexualisation, delving into ideas surrounding fetishisation and the reclamation offemale sexuality. This artist moving image piece begins with a concept of a femaleutopian society, characterised by hyper-feminine visuals and a dream-like ambience.As the film progresses, it introduces two individual characters who are unknowinglyrepresentative of the paradoxical Madonna-Whore complex. They presentthemselves as confident but slowly begin to come undone as the impossibleperformance of femininity causes them to unravel. When these women are isolatedfrom the network of women with a shared experience, the relentless and inescapableneed to perform for the male gaze drives them to anger and insanity.

Llenya Kinsley

Artist and Director

As an artist moving image filmmaker, my work explores the female experience from a journalistic approach, incorporating themes of memories, dreams and youth culture. My medium resides primarily in video, which I pair with the crafting of installations that serve to engage viewers with the themes above. I intend to create tactile, delicate environments within these installations that allow viewers to recall their own memories and nostalgia through the experience. Memories of childhood,girlhood.


Born in Liverpool and currently residing in Manchester, my background in these two vibrant, working class cities influence the politics of my work and allow me to draw inspiration from their rich cultural landscapes. I come from a background of a mostly female Liverpudlian family with roots in art and music, and this strong female influence has led me to constantly seek to recreate this matriarchy and sisterhood through my work, incorporating and exploring all mediums of art.


I am passionate about inclusivity in regards to feminism and try to incorporate this throughout my pieces.Through my lens, I seek to explore memories and experiences from a fresh, feminine perspective, offering intimate glimpses into the lives and experiences of young women navigating the complexities of contemporary society. My work aims to amplify marginalised voices in film and art, particularly women, to create a sisterhood through my work. I hope that my work offers solace and catharsis to people in a world perhaps not built for them.

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