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Transforming Utange

In the heart of rural Kenya Paul and Debbie Scott-Robinson bring hope to hundreds of orphaned and disadvantaged children in Utange. Fuelled by faith they are fighting corruption and poverty by founding schools, orphanages, and feeding programs. Their journey is a testament to the human spirit as they stand up against huge odds and find a way to empower children to brighter futures. Their inspiring story has touched many across the world and allows Paul and Debbie to keep doing their part in making the world a better place.
Directed and Edited by Caleb Thompson.

Directors Statement:

As the director of this documentary, my vision was to create a powerful and emotionally resonant exploration of the work and impact of Utange Orphans Charity. Through a combination of intimate interviews, immersive cinematography, and evocative imagery, I aimed to draw viewers into the world of the documentary, fostering empathy, understanding, and connection.  Ultimately, my goal with this film was not only to shine a light on the incredible work of Utange Orphans Charity but also to provoke thought, spark conversation, and ignite change.

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Caleb Thompson

Director and Filmmaker

By centering the experiences and voices of those directly affected by the charity's work, I hoped to humanize the issue of poverty and inspire viewers to take action in their own communities. I believe that by bearing witness to the resilience, strength, and humanity of the individuals featured in the documentary, audiences will be moved to engage more deeply with the issues explored and become agents of positive transformation in the world.

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